Shanti M. Kennedy - Page 2

Shanti M Kennedy recently moved to the Cultural Gold Coast. She is stepping into the role of Lead Contributing Editor for Broadway World and feels that all her life experiences to date have culminated to prepare her for just this!

She grew up in the City of Big Shoulders, Chicago. The arts have always been a significant part of her life. In her youth she studied voice and sang Opera competitively, as well as studying dance and ballet throughout her life. She has traveled extensively to attend art shows at leading art museums around the world. She earned her degree in Creative Writing from Roosevelt University in Chicago. It was here that she successfully started her yearly goal of reading 100 books, per year. Shanti is passionate about art education and bringing the arts to the masses. She loves getting other people just as excited about the arts as she is! 

Review: JOYFUL!JOYFUL! at Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe
Review: JOYFUL!JOYFUL! at Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe
December 13, 2023

What did our critic think of JOYFUL!JOYFUL! at Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe? With their Christmas Card to the Sarasota Community, the WBTT encapsulates traditional and contemporary treasures of holiday music. This show is part Spiritual, part R&B show and part Rock Concert! This show was created by Nate Jacobs, Founder and Artistic Director of WBTT. The intention of this show was to create a feeling of gratitude and to “remind us to celebrate the gift of life”.  In this performance I would say that this ensemble has surpassed this assignment!

Interview: Louise Barry of CELTIC ANGELS CHRISTMAS at Van Wezel
Review: CRAZY FOR YOU at Asolo Repertory Theatre
Review: CRAZY FOR YOU at Asolo Repertory Theatre
November 23, 2023

What did our critic think of CRAZY FOR YOU at Asolo Reperatory Theater?

Interview: Justin Gomiak of VAN WEZEL EDUCATION AND COMMUNITY at Van Wezel
Interview: Justin Gomiak of VAN WEZEL EDUCATION AND COMMUNITY at Van Wezel
November 10, 2023

Like a lot of our neighbors, and maybe our own journey to becoming a permanent resident of Sarasota, Justin Gomlak first came here on vacation. After coming for a few years, the lifestyle, culture and the arts scene made him take stock of what was important in his life and move out of the Big Apple. Gomlak made the most of his 25 years as a resident of New York City, including many impressive years of stage performances (on and off-Broadway), obtaining a master’s degree from NYU (in Educational Leadership), teaching at some of the best private/ parochial schools and much more. 

Review: BEYOND THE VEIL at First Congregational Church
Review: BEYOND THE VEIL at First Congregational Church
October 31, 2023

What did our critic think of BEYOND THE VEIL at First Congregational Church?

Review: ONCE ON THIS ISLAND at Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe
Review: ONCE ON THIS ISLAND at Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe
October 30, 2023

This multi-award winning musical started running in the 1990’s off-Broadway and has been revived multiple times. Once on This Island was nominated for 9 Tony Awards, winning in the category of Best Revival of a musical in 2018. Take note, as this musical is currently in development by Disney as a film adaptation.  

Review: NEWSIES at Rise Above
Review: NEWSIES at Rise Above
October 24, 2023

What did our critic think of NEWSIES at Rise Above? Rise Above Theater takes this show on in stride. There were many production choices that made this not just a night at the theater, but an experience! From being greeted at the door and ushered to our seats by the costumed cast, to the entire theater being used as a stage including side bar and aisles.

